There have been a variety of guitars that have been realeased with an array of designs. This one though is more different than the others and is a definite eye catcher. All you sonic fans out there check this out. The guitar is being made by ESP Japan and the pre orders are on now. It has stunning looks and is a good guitar by itself. The ideal one for a sonic fan and a guitarist.The guitar's model name is STH-130 SONIC THE HEDGEHOG GUITAR and is in honour of the game.
The Specs of the guitar are pretty good too. There is a floyd rose tremelo,22 frets ,powered by Seymour Duncan pickups,an alder body and hard maple neck.
The downside of this is the price. It is 136,500 yen inclusive of all taxes which works out to be Rs.250,000. If you have the money then it is definite worthwhile buy.